Manuel Makes Progress


Manuel has been attending Easterseals since summer 2021. At first, Manuel had difficulty in all aspects of his daily routine. He was unable to communicate with his teachers and cried a lot. Manuel had many tantrums throughout the day and transitioning from one activity to another was a challenge for him. He would not allow teachers to help him wash his hands, change his diaper, or eat.

In a four-month span, Manuel's teachers worked with him and his family to help him adapt to school. Since then, he has made considerable progress. He now drinks from a regular cup, follows familiar directions like "come here" or "give it to me", and cooperates more during diaper changes. Manuel has become more alert and social in class. He participates in circle time - imitating the hand motions in song. Manuel is more affectionate with those around him; when he sees his teacher in the hallway, he extends his arms and runs towards her.

Our goal for Manuel is to continue encouraging him so that he can follow a daily routine at school with ease. We also want him to be able to follow simple directions and improve his relationship with those around him. Manuel has a lot of potential and is interested in learning.  As we continue to meet him where he is at and work on individualized goals, he no doubt soar to his full potential! 

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