Happy for Respite Hours!


Rosa lives with her daughter Giovanna, who is her primary caregiver.  A jovial 60 years young participant, Rosa received a diagnosis that deepened her state of depression. We’ve all become familiar with the effects of social isolation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Rose needs constant stimulation due to her risk of isolation. In the early days of the pandemic, Rosa isolated herself, barely talking and hardly eating. Easterseals Adult Day Care Center was Rosa’s place and she desperately wanted to go back to the center she enjoyed so much!  

Easterseals “enhanced online activities program” was launched and Rosa’s Caregiver got her to join, reluctantly at first, but when she saw her friends from the Day Care, her spirit soared.  Rosa’s daughter says the enhanced online activity program brought her Mom back!  Once Rosa developed comfortable with being in front of the computer, she was herself again!  Rosa is a cheerleader and brings extra joy to all the participants with her sense of humor. She tells her usual jokes, as she used to do in person. Rosa’s daughter is immensely grateful that as the pandemic continues, the program can meet Rosa’s needs of interaction and socialization. When Rosa is asked if she enjoys the program, she always answers the same way:  “I love it…but I miss my center”.  In the meanwhile, Rosa and her daughter are happy with the respite hours being provided!

Rosa Zoom

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