Camp COVID19 Protocols

Summer 2022

Easterseals Camp Growing Green, Camp Lily Berks and Camp Lily Lehigh Valley will be implementing the following policies based on guidance from CDC, OSHA, ACA and ODP for summer camp operations.

Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania offers camp opportunities to individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities through its Camp Lily Berks, Camp Lily Lehigh Valley and Camp Growing Green. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, capacity at each camp will be determined based on social distancing requirements, facility layout and ability to mitigate the risk of COVID-19. Members of the Easterseals camp staff are required to be vaccinated for COVID-19 as a condition of employment. Camps will adhere to current state, county, and local regulations related to COVID-19.

The safety of our campers, employees, contractors and volunteers is a top priority. In light of COVID-19, we are taking additional precautions on top of our long-established health and safety measures to ensure we are mitigating the risk of COVID-19 at camp.

COVID19 signs/symptoms

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough (new onset or worsening of chronic cough)
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

This list does not include all possible symptoms. Visit the CDC website for the most up-to-date information about symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if you are sick.

Posters and educational material will be posted throughout the physical campsite as reminders to proper handwashing, coughing/sneezing etiquette, social distancing, mask use, etc.

Screening Prior to Camp Session

  • Campers will be required to fill out a prescreening log (found in CampDocs) for 10 days prior to their arrival at camp. This prescreening includes daily COVID-19 questionnaires and temperature logs.
  • Anyone answering any prescreening question positively or having a fever higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the 10 days prior to camp may not attend camp without a negative COVID-19 test. The test must be from 1-3 days prior to the start of camp.
  • Fully vaccinated staff and campers with no COVID-19 symptoms do not need to quarantine or be tested following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
  • Campers will be required to submit a signed COVID-19 Notice of Risk and Responsibility before arriving at camp.
  • Campers will not be allowed into camp if they have not completed the above screening (including temperature log) and signed COVID-19 Notice of Risk and Responsibility.

Screening & Monitoring during Camp Session

Camp Lily Berks & Camp Lily Lehigh Valley (day camps)

  • Camp staff will self-screen daily and must pass the screening before proceeding into camp and program areas. If a day camp staff member is exhibiting symptoms, they are instructed not to report to work.
  • During daily drop-off, campers and parents must wait in their vehicles. A health screening will be performed on the camper while still in the vehicle.
  • Campers with a satisfactory health screening will perform hand hygiene and enter the program area.
  • Vaccinated campers that fail the health screening will be sent home immediately. The camper will be allowed to return to camp after they are symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicine or antibiotics.
  • When an unvaccinated camper fails the daily health screening, the individual will be sent home immediately. Unvaccinated campers displaying COVID-19 symptoms or failing a health check may not return to participate in activities until they are symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicine or antibiotics. In certain cases, campers may need to produce a negative COVID-19 test in order to return to camp.
  • Pick-up at the end of day: parents must remain in the vehicle and campers will be brought out by counselors. Campers will only be released to authorized parents or guardians.

Camp Growing Green (overnight camp)

  • Upon arrival at camp on Sunday, campers will be screened while in their vehicles.
  • Campers with a satisfactory health screening will perform hand hygiene and enter the program area.
  • Vaccinated campers that fail the health screening will be sent home immediately. The camper will be allowed to return to camp after they are symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicine or antibiotics.
  • When an unvaccinated camper fails the screening or temperature check, the individual will be sent home and not allowed to exit the vehicle. The camper will be allowed to return to camp after they produce a negative COVID-19 test result and are symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicine or antibiotics.
  • Families will be given a scheduled time for drop-off and pick-up of their campers. We ask that only one parent or guardian accompany the camper to drop-off/pick-up. Easterseals reserves the right to limit the number of people allowed in cabins or lodging areas during drop-off.
  • Families and campers must adhere to their scheduled drop-off and pick-up times. Anyone arriving early will be required to wait in their vehicle until their scheduled time.

Daily Health Checks:

  • Camp staff will self-screen daily and must pass the screening. If a member of the camp staff fails the screening, the staff person will not render face-to-face services and back-up plans will be implemented.
  • Campers will be screened daily in the morning before exiting their lodging. 
  • Campers with a satisfactory health screening will perform hand hygiene and be permitted to exit the lodge and enter the program area.
  • When a camper fails the screening or temperature check, the individual will be isolated in the nurse’s office (holding area) to wait while their emergency contact person is notified that they must be picked up immediately. Surgical mask will be provided to be worn while waiting for pick-up.
  • Anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms or failing a health check may not return to participate in activities until they are symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicine or antibiotics. In certain cases, staff or campers may need to produce a negative COVID-19 test in order to return to camp.

Face Masks/Coverings
Campers must bring their own personal mask(s) to wear as needed during camp.

Campers and staff must wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth. The mask must be a cloth covering or other mask that offers a higher degree of protection. Plastic face shields are not acceptable alternatives to masks.

In accordance with current Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance, cloth face coverings should meet all the following criteria:

  • Have two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric.
  • Completely cover the nose and mouth.
  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face and have no gaps.
  • Allow for breathing without restriction.
  • Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape.

Campers must wear a mask when:

  • Indoors or in an enclosed space, where another person or persons who are not members of the individual’s household are present in the same space, irrespective of physical distance.
  • Outdoors when unable to maintain sustained physical distance.
  • Waiting in a public area irrespective of physical distance.

Do not wear a mask when doing activities that could get your mask wet, like swimming. A wet mask can make it difficult to breathe and might not work.

Masks are not required for anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the covering without assistance. If an individual has trouble breathing or other medical or mental health conditions that may be worsened with wearing a mask, seek clarification with the individual’s health care practitioner regarding mask use.

Masks are required for staff and campers even if they are communicating or seeking to communicate with someone who has a hearing impairment or has another disability, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication. The use of a clear masks can be utilized in this scenario.

If an individual attending camp has a difficult time wearing a mask, efforts will be taken by staff to assist the individual with mask tolerance. If after working with the individual to encourage mask use, the individual is still only able to tolerate wearing a mask or face covering for only a short period of time, the individual should wear a mask or face covering during activities that may have an increased risk of transmission of COVID-19. For example, the mask or face covering should be worn during the following:

  • Personal care activities.
  • During transfers.
  • Activities that result in vocal projection such as watching sports, singing, playing games, shouting, etc.

If participants are not compliant with safety regulations at all times, which results in increased health risks for other individuals, they will not be permitted to continue participation. Easterseals will work with and provide needed supports within its capabilities but as a last resort, will request their pickup.

Please note: Cloth face coverings are not considered Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and should not be worn in place of recommended PPE when caring for an individual with COVID-19.

To learn more about Face Coverings, visit the CDC webpage about masks.

Social Distancing/Physical Distancing
Social distancing, also called physical distancing, means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people who are not from your household. To practice social or physical distancing at camp:

  • Stay at least 3 feet from campers/staff within your cohort.
  • Stay at least 6 feet from all campers/staff outside of your cohort.
  • Stay at least 6 feet from others while eating and drinking, including campers/staff within the same cohort.

Campers will be assigned to cohorts and remain within these cohorts throughout the week. Cohorts are groups of campers and staff that stay together throughout the day to minimize exposure to other people while at camp. Cohorts will remain together as much as possible and limit mixing with other cohorts. At times, there may be all-camp events where they may engage with other cohorts as long as social distancing standards can be met. Cohorts will only use supplies assigned to their group.

To promote social distancing, Easterseals camps have taken the following additional steps:

  • Program activities will allow for adequate social distancing. This includes indoor/outdoor activities, including tables, workstations, sleeping quarters, etc.
  • Signs, stickers and other visuals will be posted on floors and walls to encourage social distancing measures of 6 feet.
  • Campers' belongings will be placed in individual cubbies/spots, away from other campers' belongings.
  • At overnight camp, beds will be placed 6 feet apart, alternating head-to-toe.
  • Enrollment for each camp session will be limited.
  • Staggered scheduling will be utilized throughout the camping experience, whenever possible, to mitigate the potential spread of illness.
  • No visitors will be allowed in camp except for those cleared by Easterseals. Visitors that are cleared by Easterseals must also complete a pre-screening questionnaire and wear a mask while at camp.

Hand Hygiene
The CDC recommends washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your face. Wash your hands when entering and leaving the home or community setting; when adjusting or putting on or off facemasks or cloth face coverings; or before putting on and after taking off disposable gloves. Handwashing and sanitizing stations will be provided in several areas, and mandatory handwashing times will be scheduled during camp programming.

Follow these five steps when washing your hands:

  1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

Visit the CDC website to learn more about hand washing.

Coughing & Sneezing Etiquette
Covering coughs and sneezes and keeping hands clean can help prevent the spread of serious respiratory illnesses like COVID-19. Germs can be easily spread by:

  • Coughing, sneezing, or talking.
  • Touching your face with unwashed hands after touching contaminated surfaces or objects.
  • Touching surfaces or objects that may be frequently touched by other people.

Covering coughs and sneezes and washing hands are especially important for infection control measures. To help stop the spread of germs:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  • Throw used tissues in the trash.
  • If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands. Remember to immediately wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Hand sanitizer stations will be set up throughout the campground.
Visit the CDC website to learn more about coughing & sneezing etiquette.


Cleaning and Disinfection
To minimize transfer of COVID-19 at camp, cleaning methods will be employed to reduce risk to campers and camp staff. Cleaning methods will follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance.

  • Shared spaces will be cleaned and disinfected daily with supplies that meet EPA Certification Standards.
  • Doors will remain open whenever possible to allow for proper ventilation and reduced touching.
  • Sinks where brushing teeth/washing hands, water faucets, showers, etc. will be cleaned and disinfected daily. Campers attending overnight residential camp will be assigned a sink, toilet and shower to use throughout their stay at camp.
  • Where appropriate, sanitizing wipes will be provided to sanitize items between uses.
  • Program areas, cabins and bathrooms will be cleaned and disinfected daily and between each camp session.
  • Masks and gloves will be required for serving of food.
  • Sanitizing procedures will be in accordance with Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
  • Sanitizing products will come from the CDC approved list of products to neutralize COVID-19.
  • Staff will be required to attend Easterseals training on proper cleaning procedures for COVID-19.

Shared Objects

  • Shared objects will be cleaned and disinfected daily.
  • We will try to limit the use of objects that are difficult to clean, sanitize or disinfect.
  • Where possible, we will assign items to cohorts to reduce the quantity of items shared.
  • Each camper’s belongings will be kept separated from others’ and in individually labeled containers, cubbies or areas.

Camp activities will occur outside as much as possible. If activities are held indoors, we will bring in as much fresh air into camp buildings as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans to increase the effectiveness of open windows, and decreasing occupancy in areas where ventilation cannot be increased.

Sinks/Water Faucets/Showers
Day Camps
High touch surface areas such as door handles, toilet handles and faucet handles will be cleaned and disinfected daily. Camp staff will be responsible for the cleaning and disinfection of restroom facilities.

Overnight Camp
Campers will be assigned to a sink, one toilet and one shower in their individual cabin that they will use for the duration of the week. In sleeping lodges, door handles, toilet handles, faucet handles and shower handles will be cleaned and disinfected daily. For restroom facilities not in the sleeping lodge, door handles, toilet handles and faucet handles will be cleaned and disinfected daily.

Outdoor Areas
High-touch surfaces made of plastic or metal, such as grab bars, swings, play structures and railings will be cleaned and disinfected daily.

Cleaning and disinfection of wooden surfaces (such as wood play structures, benches, tables) or groundcovers (such as mulch and sand) is not recommended or required.

Camp Lily Berks & Camp Lily Lehigh Valley (day camps):

  • Campers must bring their own lunches, packed in a disposable brown paper or plastic bag. All items in the camper’s lunch should be disposable (i.e. disposable napkins, plastic utensils, etc.).
  • There will be monitored and mandatory hand washing before and after meal service.
  • Maintain 6 feet from others while eating and drinking, including campers/staff within the same cohort.

Camp Growing Green (overnight camp):

  • There will be monitored and mandatory hand washing before and after meal service.
  • Meals will be served using disposable or one-use dishes and utensils.
  • Maintain 6 feet from others while eating and drinking.


Protections for High Risk Campers
Easterseals requires all camp staff to be fully vaccinated prior to the start of camp. Easterseals also requires nurses, aides or other support staff accompanying a camper to provide proof of a vaccination upon check-in.

Regulatory Awareness
Throughout the camp season, Easterseals will monitor local or state regulatory agency policies related to group gatherings to determine if modifications to our plan need to occur. All modifications will be communicated to camp staff, and campers and their families.

Small Groups and Cohorting
Campers will be assigned to cohorts and remain within these cohorts throughout the week. Cohorts are groups of campers and staff that stay together throughout the day to minimize exposure to other people while at camp. Cohorts will remain together as much as possible and limit mixing with other cohorts. At times, there may be all-camp events where they may engage with other cohorts as long as social distancing standards can be met. Cohorts will only use supplies assigned to their group.

Staggered Scheduling
Campers will rotate through activities in their assigned cohorts, utilizing outdoor spaces whenever possible. In the case of inclement weather and activities cannot be held outdoors, indoor space will be utilized and high-risk activities such as eating will be completed at staggered times.

Gathering, Visitors and Trips Off Camp Site
Program activities will allow for adequate social distancing. This includes indoor/outdoor activities. Signs, stickers and other visuals will be posted on floors and walls to encourage social distancing measures of 6 feet.

No Visitors will be allowed in camp except for those cleared by Easterseals. Visitors who are cleared by Easterseals must also complete a pre-screening questionnaire and wear a mask while at camp.

Designated COVID-19 Point of Contact
Each camp director will be responsible for handling any COVID-19 concerns during camp. The camp director will notify Easterseals program operations manager for further instructions. Campers and their families will be given the camp director’s contact information prior to the start of camp.

Communication Systems

  • Visual aids such as signs, stickers and tape will be posted on floors, walls and tables to encourage social distancing.
  • Color-coded wristbands and color-coded supply bins will be utilized as a visual aid for campers.
  • Signs reminding staff and campers of proper handwashing protocols and the importance of hand sanitizing will be posted in bathrooms and at hand sanitizing stations.
  • Handwashing and hand sanitizing will be scheduled into daily routines and will be reinforced by camp directors and counselors.
  • If at any time a camp staff member, camper, or family member of staff or camper need to self-report, they will contact the camp director of their respective camp. The camp director will then contact Easterseals program operations manager for further instructions. Additional contacts to local and state officials will be made by Easterseals program operations manager as needed.

Shared Facilities
Camp Lily Lehigh Valley (day camp)
Camp Lily Lehigh Valley is located on the campus of Cedar Crest College and will be assigned 4 separate spaces both indoor and outdoor that will be used solely by the camp. Camp Lily Lehigh Valley staff will be responsible for the sanitization and disinfection of these spaces on a daily basis. Swimming at the Rodale Aquatic Center is scheduled so that Camp Lily Lehigh Valley has exclusive use of the pool. The camp director will communicate with the director of conferences at Cedar Crest College and the executive director of Rodale Aquatic Center about any concerns regarding their facility’s protocols.

Camp Lily Berks (day camp)
Easterseals Camp Lily Berks is located on its own, private campground. This space is not shared.

Easterseals Camp Growing Green (overnight camp)
Camp Growing Green is hosted at the Pocono Environmental Education Center and utilizes several shared spaces with other summer camps. Communication regarding shared spaces will occur between the Growing Green camp director and PEEC’s director of group and grant coordination.

Staff Training and Back-up Plan
Camp staff will be trained on and provided with information about workplace protocols; the use of PPE; and the important role they play in COVID-19 detection and prevention in themselves and others. Training materials will come from the CDC, Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania Guidebook and American Camping Association Field Guide for Camps. 

Posters and signs posted to encourage mitigation efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 and camp staff will be reminded of the importance of maintaining these efforts during their off time.

Easterseals will train camp staff on the importance of staying home if they are sick and will have flexible time off policies in place. In the event that a staff member needs time off due to their own illness or the illness of a family member, Easterseals will call in back-up staff to assist at camp in order to maintain ratios and the integrity of the program. In the event that no back-up staff are available, camp may be cancelled at the discretion of Easterseals management.


Campers Exhibiting Symptoms – Day Camps
During daily drop-off, campers and parents must wait in their vehicles. A health screening will be performed on the camper while still in the vehicle. If a camper fails the screening, the individual will be sent home and not allowed to exit the vehicle. The camp director must be notified immediately.

Campers in attendance at camp who begin exhibiting symptoms during the day will be isolated in a separate room (holding area) with a staff person to wait while their emergency contact person is notified that they must be picked up immediately. A surgical mask will be provided to be worn while waiting for pick-up.

Anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms or failing a health check may not return to participate in activities until they are symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicine or antibiotics. In certain cases, staff or campers may need to produce a negative COVID-19 test in order to return to camp. If tested positive for COVID-19, the camper must remain at home and cannot return to camp until after producing a negative COVID-19 test.

In the event of a positive COVID-19 test result, the Easterseals director of community programs will notify all campers and staff in attendance at the same session, with additional notice to those in the same cohort.

Campers Exhibiting Symptoms – Overnight Camp
Campers will be screened daily in the morning before exiting their lodging. If a camper fails the screening, the individual will be isolated in the nurse’s office (holding area) to wait while their emergency contact person is notified that they must be picked up immediately. Surgical mask will be provided to be worn while waiting for pick-up.

Campers who begin exhibiting symptoms during the day will be isolated in the nurse’s office (holding area) to wait while their emergency contact person is notified that they must be picked up immediately. A surgical mask will be provided to be worn while waiting for pick-up.

Anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms or failing a health check may not return to participate in activities until they are symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicine or antibiotics. In certain cases, staff or campers may need to produce a negative COVID-19 test in order to return to camp. If tested positive for COVID-19, the camper must remain at home and cannot return to camp until after producing a negative COVID-19 test.

In the event of a positive COVID-19 test result, Easterseals director of community programs will notify all campers and staff in attendance at the same session.

Camp Staff Exhibiting Symptoms
Camp staff will self-screen daily first thing in the morning. If a member of the day camp staff fails the screening, the staff person will not report to work and will notify the camp director immediately. If the camp director fails the screening, she must notify Easterseals director of community programs.

If a member of the overnight camp staff fails the screening, the staff person will report to the nurse’s office immediately to isolate and must notify the camp director. If the camp director fails the screening, she must report to the nurse’s office immediately to isolate and must notify the assistant camp director and Easterseals director of community programs. The same process stands for any staff member who begins exhibiting symptoms at any time during the day or night.

If a member of the day camp staff begins exhibiting symptoms during the day, they must notify the camp director immediately and go home at once. In the case of the camp director, she must notify the assistant camp director and Easterseals director of community programs.

Staff may return to work after they produce a negative COVID-19 test and are symptom free for 24 hours.

If a staff person tests positive for COVID-19 or are considered presumptive positive, Easterseals director of community programs will:

  • notify all campers and staff in attendance at the same session, with additional notice to those in the same cohort.
  • follow requirements dictated by CDC/DOH/DHS (which may include facility shut down for 24 hours to clean/sanitize).
  • increase staff/camper screenings throughout day to monitor possible exposure.

Campers must submit a signed verification that they have received a copy of these protocols, and agree to follow written and verbal safety guidelines and to participate with their own safety and the safety of others in mind. View and/or download the Acknowledgement of Receipt.

Easterseals Camp COVID-19 Protocols were last updated on June 8, 2022.

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