Residential Services
The Residential Services Program helps people with disabilities improve and maintain independence and self-direction in the community. The program enables individuals to live in their own apartment and is designed to prevent unnecessary institutionalization. Easter Seals provides qualified, trained staff that is selected based upon the needs and desires of the person receiving services. Support staff is available to assist residents twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week.
Persons desiring admission to the Residential Services Program must meet eligibility criteria established by the funding source and other regulatory agencies. All program participants must have a documented diagnosis of a developmental disability or mental retardation and must have a Medicaid Waiver. Waiver services provided by Easter Seals include Community Living Supports Services (CLS) and Community Access Services (CAS).
Community Living Support services provide attendant care and companion services to adults with developmental disabilities. Services are based on individual need and are flexible, as those needs change. Program services are funded through the Department of Medical Assistance Medicaid Waiver Program. Easter Seals will assist in the procedure for placement on the regional planning list in order to obtain a wavier. Residents are selected through a CET process considering most in-need and most compatible per location.
Easter Seals sponsors two accessible apartment complexes in Dublin, GA offering supervised living experiences for adults with mental retardation. One, Dogwood Terrace, is staffed around the clock where apartment residents receive staff support, as individual needs dictate. Another, Martin Court, is a semi-independent living facility that offers less structured apartment living, if desired. With both apartment complexes, residents must come from the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Development Disabilities Regional Waiting List.
Dogwood Terrace and Martin Court are HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) apartment complexes. All persons entering into a lease must be over age 18.