5 Apps for Caregivers

By Cristen Reat

As we turn to technology more and more to help manage our daily lives with apps like reminders, calendars, social media, and banking, it is only natural that we may find that technology can assist with the monumental challenge of caregiving. Caring for someone who has a disability, chronic illness, disease or injury can be demanding and overwhelming, but an extra pair of hands can be as close as the smartphone in your pocket.

Whether you are a parent of a child with a disability or a spouse of someone who had a stroke, there are many types of apps that caregivers of all ages have found useful to integrate into their lives to manage and streamline information. Features that allow users to keep track of vital information, manage a log of activities, jot down notes during doctor and therapy appointments, update family and friends, and get support can be lifesavers.

One way to leverage the power of your smartphone or tablet is to identify specific tasks that consume much of your time or processes of caregiving that seem disorganized. Do you own a paper journal full of appointment notes or medication dosages? Perhaps it could be transferred to an app that manages this data and prints out reports when preparing for a doctor’s appointment. Do you care for someone who has seizures? Consider an app that allows you to quickly document specific features of a seizure to share with medical professionals.

Below are a few apps that we have found helpful to manage some daily tasks of caregiving.

Blood Pressure AppBlood Pressure Companion
by Maxwell Software

Blood Pressure Companion App serves its purpose well. It is an “at your fingertips” organizer for tracking systolic and diastolic blood pressures along with heart rate and body weight. This app centralizes all the data, calculates Mean Arterial Pressure, allows various reports to be created, and is ideal for caregivers to communicate the data to health care professionals. Being actively involved in one’s own care by self-monitoring blood pressure or assisting a loved one provides powerful and useful information. 

Price: $0.99
Available for IOS

See the full review at BridgingApps.org

About My Day AppAbout my day
by University of Victoria

About My Day is a free app for educators, caregivers and parents to track the daily events of individuals with intellectual or cognitive disabilities, developmental delays or autism. The app can be used as a daily digital journal/portfolio and the information can be used as a means to share with others such as family members or education professionals. It is customized to the individual, with a daily calendar, notes of the day, ability to upload a picture of the author within the notes section, location upload (where the events take place), and note saving.

Price: Free
Available for IOS

See the full review at BridgingApps.org

Track It AppSeizure Log
by Seizure Tracker LLC

Seizure Tracker is a powerful app that was created by the parents of a child with Epilepsy.  It is easy to use and is useful in tracking seizures for personal use and to share history and specific vital information with medical professionals. Each seizure or "event" can also be video recorded with an iPhone. Users can record the date, time of day, length of seizure, type of seizure (tonic clonic, absence, etc.) and mood. Users can record possible triggers as well as descriptors of the seizure and post event descriptions (through preset boxes or free text). There are spaces for free text notes under each section. We highly recommend this app for anyone who has a family member with a seizure disorder.

Price: Free
Available for IOS

See the full review at BridgingApps.org

BridgingApps and Easter Seals Greater Houston logoHave a caregiving app that you can’t live without? Please let us know about it! If you are interested in searching for more apps, creating your own list of apps and sharing them, please go to BridgingApps.org. BridgingApps, a program of Easterseals Greater Houston, is a community of parents, therapists, doctors, and teachers who share information about using mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, and Android) with people who have special needs.

 Cristen Reat is co-founder of BridgingApps and a mother who found success when using a mobile device with her children who have special needs.

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