Find (and Keep) a Job

Easterseals offers a variety of services designed to assist you in finding and keeping a job. Easterseals can assist you with career exploration, learning how to conduct your own job search, job placement assistance, or job coaching in an actual job. The Employment services you require will be determined by your individual preference and needs. The following is a brief explanation of some of the Employment Services available through Easterseals.

Employment Planning

Employment planning services help job seekers with career exploration and development, information about employment opportunities within a community and the skills; education and training needed to meet individual employment goals.

Job Placement Competitive Employment

Easterseals Job Placement Competitive Employment services help people find and keep employment consistent with their employment goals. Vocational counseling, job seeking skills, adaptive needs assessment, case management services, and job development are just some examples of the menu of services that might be used to assist you to find a job.

Supported Employment

Easterseals Supported Employment services are designed to help individuals secure and be trained in jobs they choose while assisting employers strengthen workforce diversity. Both the job seeker and the employer receive the assistance of an Easterseals job coach to provide support during the initial training period. The job coach remains available to both the persons with a disability and the employer for assistance if issues or concerns arise. Supported Employment placements might be individual jobs or might be based on group models like mobile crews or small employee work group (enclave).

Work Services

Easterseals work services are designed to provide paid employment that is supported in a segregated environment. Examples of this job placement option might include sheltered workshops, work centers, contracted work groups and affirmative enterprises. This program option is in most case not an outcome but rather a step toward a goal of employment in a community based setting.

Industry-Based Program

Through arrangements with business and industry, Easterseals provides workers for time-specific projects. Participants have an opportunity to build work readiness and stamina, while establishing a mutually rewarding relationship in a real work environment.

Who Might Access These Services?

Persons who have established employment goals and a clear picture of the type of work that they would like to secure would want to access employment services. The Easterseals staff person along with the consumer and their support network would determine the type of service they need. There are many options for approaching employment and Easterseals will help you select the one that will best meet your individual circumstances.

How are Services Paid For?
State and federal laws determine funding and eligibility requirements. Check with Easterseals in your area for specific information regarding your options.

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