Positive Behavior Support

Behaviors, even when they are challenging or confusing, can be understood as a result of careful observation, record keeping, and analysis.  Once behaviors are understood, they can be modified based on the needs and desires of the student whose behavior is of concern.

When an Easterseals Linda Lanham Zeszutek School Program student displays problematic behaviors that interfere with the ability to learn, the student is referred to our behavior specialist for a behavior analysis assessment.

The behavior specialist’s role is to:

  • Observe the student, the environment, and activities
  • Gather data regarding what seems to set off or calm difficult behaviors
  • Suggest appropriate changes and interventions
  • Analyze the data and success of interventions as well as troubleshoot alternative interventions if needed.

Interventions that encourage self-control and the development of task-related behaviors are necessary for success and acceptance in both the school and community.

There are numerous approaches designed to reduce problematic behaviors with students. By involving the behavior specialist, the classroom team can develop a positive set of techniques to manage behaviors and improve outcomes. Interventions may range from:

  • Behavior charts with stickers
  • Changes in an environment that may be creating sensory overload or undue frustrations
  • Addition of a visual schedule
  • Changes in lighting
  • Extra warning time before transitions
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