Annual Report

2012 - 2013 Annual Report

"Your life and mine shall be valued not by what we take, but by what we give."
- Edgar F. Allen, 1922

Download Easterseals' 2012-2013 Annual Report (PDF*)

Therapist with a child

Easterseals offers help, hope and answers for children and adults with autism, developmental disabilities, physical disabilities and other special needs—and for their families—in communities across the United States. We create life-changing solutions through therapy, training, education and support services—so people living with disabilities can live, learn, work, play and contribute to society.

At Easterseals, we believe in possibilities. We are advocates for what people with disabilities and special needs can do when given the chance. We have high expectations. And, very often, people are amazed at what they can achieve.

While we provide many services based on community needs, we currently focus on three areas of critical need:

Identifying and serving young children at risk for developmental
delays and disability

Every year we fail to identify more than a million young children with developmental delays and disabilities. This puts children at a great disadvantage. We offer screening and therapy services through our childcare and early intervention programs—so all kids start school ready to learn with their peers. We know that early identification and treatment for young children are predictors for success over a lifetime.

Assisting a new generation of veterans with special needs and disabilities

Easterseals has provided critical community-based supports and services to military service members, veterans and their families since World War II. Today our focus is on creating community networks for a new generation of more than 2 million veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Our veterans want to contribute at home, but they need access to education, health care and the chance to find meaningful employment. Easterseals is sharing its expertise in training people for employment.

Creating community-based services and family support for adults
with disabilities

Because we believe that everyone has a right to be included in our communities, Easterseals continues to develop services for adults with disabilities, older adults and caregivers. We are helping—so they can live on their own, or with their families, and participate in community life. Whether through work, as volunteers, or as participants in day programs, our goal is to keep people engaged and involved—and out of institutions.

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