Carolyn is 73 years old and just over 5 feet tall. She has had three strokes and two open-heart surgeries, and she was recently honored for giving 2,500 hours of service at her local hospital.
Born on Thanksgiving, she quips, "I've been a turkey ever since." Given Carolyn's positive outlook and generous spirit, it seems coming into the world on that day destined her always to think of others.
Carolyn's husband, John, was the same way. He died two years ago after battling Parkinson's disease and lung cancer. They raised three sons, and over the years, John volunteered—coaching Little League, helping at their church and more.
Years before John died, the couple decided to include a gift to Easterseals in their will as a way to say thank you.
Growing up, John had severe asthma and bouts of pneumonia. He was frequently hospitalized, but a highlight of his childhood was attending a therapeutic camp run by Easterseals. There, he could enjoy an array of activities—from swimming to relay races and more—as well as camaraderie with other children who faced similar challenges.
"That time in his life was the basis for who he was," Carolyn says. "Because Easterseals had done so much for him, he said he wanted to give back. It was that simple."
Carolyn likes knowing that the gift she and John made to Easterseals will help children and adults with disabilities beyond her lifetime.
"If you don't give back, then you don't have a good sense about yourself," she says. "I tell my friends: It's important to leave something of yourself behind."
Learn how you can support Easterseals and those we serve beyond your lifetime by contacting our Gift Planning Team at or 800-221-6827, ext. 7240.
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