A former professional horsewoman, dog breeder, rancher, shop owner, and more, Mrs. Wilt, 87, has packed an astounding range of endeavors into nearly nine decades.
“I came out of the womb looking for physical challenge,” she says.
Fortunately, Mrs. Wilt found an equally adventurous soul mate. Lu was the quarterback at the college they attended, and she was the fiery redhead. They had 63 years together until her husband passed away in 2013 — a time mostly spent out West, where she says “the mountains were calling me.”
Lu was a man who “felt he was on this earth to do whatever he needed to get done,” Mrs. Wilt says. She would listen to his stories about once lifeguarding at a camp for children with disabilities.
Lu sent a gift to Easterseals each year, and the couple established a bequest for Easterseals, but Mrs. Wilt was unaware he had any personal connection to our organization.
“Easterseals was always his Number One,” she says. “I didn’t know why.”
Some time after Lu died, Mrs. Wilt received a medallion from Easterseals thanking her for their planned gift and welcoming her into our Legacy Society. Looking at a liking of Easterseals’ founder, Edgar “Daddy” Allen, on the medallion, Mrs. Wilt had a revelation. Lu had worked at “Camp Daddy Allen” — that meant the camp had been operated by Easterseals!
“I don’t know if he knew the connection,” she says, “but I get goose bumps every time I look at that medallion. He was so proud of the camp and the fun and freedom those children enjoyed. I consider this my gift to Lu. He’d be so pleased.”
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