Voting Box with Disability Symbol

Did you know that 1 in 4 Americans has a disability?

That’s a massive bloc of voters that can help decide our upcoming election
on Nov. 5

Learn more with Easterseals' recently released Nationwide Survey of Adult Americans with Disabilities. It breaks down the number of disabled adults ready to make a difference in the 2024 Presidential Electionwith their vote, nationally and in California, despite facing overwhelming barriers and being largely overlooked by candidates. 

Learn how to register, vote, and support the election process!

(Para ver esta página en español, utilice el enlace "Traducir" en la parte superior derecha.)

Voting in California

Links below are directed to external websites.

Ca Voting buttonIf you haven't done so yet, take a moment to register to vote. It just takes a couple of minutes. You have until Oct. 21, but no point in waiting until the last day.

Voters can verify their registration at and make any updates at

Vote on Nov. 5 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. You'll receive information in the mail about where to vote, and the option to request a mail-in ballot. Here's more voting info.

Encourage your family and friends to vote. Talk to your friends, post on social media – do what you can to encourage participation.

As we come closer to Election Day, there will be more opportunities to get involved: voter registration drives, campaigns to volunteer with, and organizations that promote voter participation, such as Rock the Vote. In the weeks ahead, we'll share those opportunities with you and provide resources to support participants who would like to vote.

Voting Resources


Advocacy & Voter Rights


Share the Message on Your Social Media:

Easily share helpful messages and reminders on your social media channels between now and Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, click on the images below to use our Easterseals Social Press Kit in English or our Social Press Kit in Spanish!

Somos el 25%   We are the 25%