It’s easy to dismiss Valentine’s Day as just a “Hallmark holiday,” but for many individuals, February 14th is a special date with great significance. We've gathered some of our favorite tips and crafts (plus some free printable valentines) to make sure all individuals feel that warm and fuzzy feeling this Valentine's Day!
Check out the free tips and resources here!We care about your mental health. Here is a free, anonymous mental health screening that serves as perfect check-up. This screening can be a great first step in identifying a need for services.
Easterseals MORC
2399 E. Walton Blvd.
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Phone: 248-475-6300 | 800-75-SEALS (toll-free)
If you are hard of hearing (HOH) call Michigan Relay at "711"
Winter is in full force and we've compiled a list of some of the best adaptive winter activities in Michigan. We have also shared some of our top choices in adaptive clothing to keep you warm and comfortable this winter. To receive the Easterseals MORC Seal of Approval, the activity or business must be sensory and/or disability friendly or provide accommodations for those with differing abilities.
Easterseals MORC offers a wide array of autism services including ABA therapy, the PLAY Project, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy and more!
Read MoreEasterseals MORC’s Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) provides a comprehensive array of services necessary to create access, stabilize people in crisis, and provide the appropriate treatment for those with substance use and mental health disorders. These services are provided regardless of ability to pay or insurance status. In crisis and need help now? Call 1.800.231.1127 ¿EN CRISIS Y NECESITA AYUDA AHORA? Llama 1.800.231.1127 في أزمة وتحتاج إلى مساعدة الآن؟ يرجى الاتصال 1.800.231.1127
Read MoreInfants and children who experience chronic stress or trauma are four times more likely to develop a mental health disorder by the time they reach adulthood than children who did not experience emotional trauma in childhood. This program includes prevention, screening, early intervention and treatment services for children and their parents/caregivers.
Read MoreWhen you make a donation to Easterseals MORC, you help strengthen our mission to ensure everyone — regardless of age or ability — is fully included and empowered.