Stories of Hope: Luke

Ben from N. Georgia, a toddler

When Luke’s Mom Christine entered Babies Can't Wait, she wanted speech therapy for her son. Her service coordinator asked her to try the PLAY Project first.  She was not happy and did not see how this could be helpful. After the first few sessions, however, Christine understood. Language communication is not just about words. It is about the nuance of negotiating a relationship. It is about engagement, reciprocity. It is about shared enjoyment.

These terms may be tossed about by professionals all the time, but what do they mean? To Christine it means that Luke doesn’t just find joy watching trains pass by. He looks to Mom, to the train and back to Mom. He is inviting her into his enjoyment. They smile together. They share the excitement together. Luke seeks out interaction, where before he tried to avoid it.

Christine can connect with the little boy inside, he is no longer far away.  Words are finally starting to appear: "Mom," "train," "car." Luke is trying to repeat words and label objects around the house. He looks to Mom for approval and when she claps for him, he beams the biggest smile. The PLAY Project is based on Dr. Stanley’s DIR Floortime.  

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